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Furthering Your Leadership Skills with Events

Image from Pexels – CC0 License Planning and hosting events is a great way to put your leadership skills to the test. Not only that, but it’s also a great way to share your leadership knowledge with others. Events that you host could involve you speaking to the audience or you might take more of a role behind the scenes, …

Five Surefire Ways To Kill Your Momentum

What is the leader’s best friend? Momentum. John Maxwell calls momentum “the great exaggerator.” It makes you appear better than you really are or worse than you really are. You know when you have it and you wish you had it when you don’t. It is so important to try and keep your momentum when you have it. In my …

What Makes an Exceptional Leader?

NOTE: This is a guest post by Dennis N.T. Perkins, Author of Leading at The Edge, Leadership Lessons from the Extraordinary Saga of Shackleton’s Antarctic Expedition, Second Edition. The subtitle of this post is: A Comparison of Historic Antarctic Expedition Commanders  “For scientific discovery give me Scott; for speed and efficiency of travel give me Amundsen; but when disaster strikes and …

Guiding Principles Don’t Belong In The Back Of A Notebook

I sat in a meeting that was becoming heated over the direction the organization was going. I wasn’t in charge, in fact, I was only there as a requirement of my position. The debate was going nowhere and I was squirming due to the lack of leadership being taken in the discussion. At one point, I finally broke into the …

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The Failings Of Bad Leaders

No matter what it is that you are leading – whether it’s a group in a business or a wider business as a whole, for instance – it’s important to know what it takes to be a good leader. And as it turns out, one of the best ways to do this is to know what a bad leader looks …

Five Leadership Lessons From Tiny Wings

Tiny Wings is the heart-pounding story of a multicolored bird with disproportionately small (need I say, tiny) wings. Driven to flee it’s home, it must embark on a journey through uncharted and treacherous landscapes. It is an engrossing tale of one feathered creature’s attempt to overcome personal limitations and environmental obstacles. Actually, Tiny Wings is just a simple game I …

Tweedership [Page 21]

Yesterday, in my post about Introducing Twitter to Millenials, I mentioned my book, Tweedership. Tweedership is a compilation of a year’s worth of tweets on the topic of leadership. It’s packed full of ideas, wisdom, lessons, insights, and advice on leading well (both yourself and others). To give you a sample of what you’ll find in Tweedership, I picked a …

Introducing Twitter To Millennials

I work on a University campus. Everyone is on Facebook. I watch my own children in both Middle School and High School. All of their friends are on Facebook. I speak at a variety of youth events. Facebook rules their time on the internet. A 2011 Nielson Report shows that globally, people spend 53 BILLION minutes a month on Facebook. …