Just Starting Out! 7 Priorities for New Student Leaders (#3)

After we elect and select students for our student leadership positions, we gather them together and give them name-tags and t-shirts and bestow upon them the title of student leader. Yet I am always quick to tell them that the title comes with an asterisk (*)… You may bear the title of student leader, but you aren’t a student leader …

Just Starting Out! 7 Priorities for New Student Leaders (#2)

When you consider the opportunity to serve in a student leadership position, you begin to imagine all of the things you could do in that position. You see yourself in it. Now that you’ve been elected or selected, you need to take the next step. It’s time to decide. Out of all of those things you could do, what are …

Just Starting Out! 7 Priorities for New Student Leaders (#1)

If a student leader starts out well, it increases his or her chances of having a great year. There’s a lot to learn as we go along, but preparation on the front end will pay off big during the harder parts of the year. This is the first in a series of posts called, Just Starting Out! 7 Priorities For …

3 Ways To Energize Your Recruitment Plan

“Don’t ever question the value of volunteers. Noah’s Ark was built by volunteers; the Titanic was built by professionals.” – Dave Gynn, Coleman Professional Services If you’ve recently been selected to serve in a student leadership position… Congratulations! Now it’s time to get to work. One of the chief characteristics of a student leader is the knack to get others …

Four Responses Leaders Choose On A Daily Basis

Science has proven that the most effective responses to behavior, those that will make the most impact, are immediate and certain. The opposite of that is true as well – people are confused by responses that are delayed and uncertain. If you serve in some type of leadership capacity there are people who are waiting, watching, and wanting to hear …

Are You Trying To Launch A Dead Horse?

“When you discover that you are riding a dead horse, the best strategy is to dismount.” – Author Unknown It’s hard to get any type of momentum going when you’re riding a dead horse. Dead horses don’t move. The term dead horse, is a metaphor for whatever project, system, or strategy you’re using to move you or your team forward. …

Leadership Starts With You

“If you could kick the person in the pants responsible for most of your trouble, you wouldn’t sit for a month.” – Theodore Roosevelt Time and again, the greatest stumbling block to a leader’s success comes back to the leader. Self-leadership precedes successful leadership. People want to know that you can lead yourself well before they give you the chance …

Are You Playing To (Not) Lose?

There’s two types of skiers: those who ski to improve and those who ski not to fall. There’s two types of students: those who study to learn and those who study to pass. There’s two types of teams: those who play to win and those who play not to lose. While each of these is an oversimplified dichotomy that may …