The Dangers Of DIY Digital Marketing

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Doing your own digital marketing can be a great way to save money. However, you should be wary of some of the dangers that can come with DIY marketing. Below are a few negative consequences that could occur – and how to avoid them. 

Thinking you know best

You should be careful of basing your marketing strategy solely off your own experience and preferences. For example, you shouldn’t neglect social media marketing simply because you’ve never been tempted to buy a product advertised on social media yourself. Just because something doesn’t work for you doesn’t mean it doesn’t work for everyone – certain people are more likely to be swayed by certain marketing tactics than others.

If you’re doing your own digital marketing, it’s important to do your research and not rely solely on instincts. Take the time to read studies to see what has been proved to work. On top of this, use your own analytics to work out which of your own strategies are working and which aren’t.

Poor search engine rankings

When it comes to doing your own web design and blogging, a big danger to look out for is the impact on your search engine rankings. SEO (search engine optimization) is very complex and there are lots of things that can inadvertently have a negative impact on your search engine rankings such as slow-loading webpages, not using enough hyperlinks or not updating your website regularly enough.

You may get better results by hiring a web design company such as this one at – by using such a company, you can ensure that your website is SEO-friendly. It is possible to do your own SEO, but it does require a lot of work and research (more so than most other digital marketing strategies). If you’re going to outsource any marketing strategy, this is probably the one to outsource. 

Lack of trust

Amateurish marketing may have a negative impact on your professionalism and your credibility. This is particularly the case with things like a poorly designed logo or poorly edited video advert.

It’s important to know when to hire help in order to maintain a professional quality so that you’re not putting customers off. Things like graphic design and video production are almost always better off in the hands of professionals if you don’t have expertise in this area. Unless you’re willing to take a course or watch lots of online tutorials, it’s best to avoid DIYing these marketing strategies.

No time to run your business

Doing all your own digital marketing could take up a lot of time. Unless you’re willing to work more hours, you could find that you have less time to focus on all the rest of your business tasks.

Outsourcing marketing can be a great time-saver. If you’re constantly racing to get work done this could be something to consider. Alternatively, you may feel that you have enough time to do your own marketing – you may even be able to automate other tasks to focus more on your marketing.

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