Moving for Money: How to Negotiate Relocation Packages Like a Pro

Photo by Amy Hirschi on Unsplash

Congratulations on finding your dream job; but wait, there’s a catch – it’s located in another city or even country! Although starting a new job can be thrilling, uprooting and relocating can be intimidating; we are here to guide your transition smoothly while helping negotiate the best price for your relocation needs.

Negotiation 101: Don’t Try Too Hard; Act Smart! 

When it comes to negotiating your relocation package, being tough doesn’t always win out – rather, knowing what your requests should be and understanding what is fair is more effective than being overbearing. Doing your research before moving is an integral part of making the experience as painless and efficient as possible. Start by compiling a list of potential expenses; your shiny new company may cover more than just minimum requirements. Think temporary housing, travel expenses for home hunting and, if they’re being generous enough, even your pet transportation costs. After all, Fido is part of your family! Moving companies such as Allied can provide an estimate to cover the costs associated with transporting your belongings; this will serve as a valuable starting point in negotiations. Remember, your goal here should not be to win an argument; rather it’s about starting positive and long-term relationships with your new employer – so act in ways which are fair, reasonable, and smart!

House Hunting: Avoid Hassles by Enlisting Assistance! 

House hunting can be both exciting and frustrating all at the same time. Imagine entering an unfamiliar city trying to find your new place of refuge. Many companies provide assistance for those in the process of looking for their ideal new home – in the form of professional relocation consultants and/or resources to make this search process less intimidating and stressful. Do not be shy to request this in your package – after all, you want to spend your first weeks exploring your new city and excelling at work rather than worrying over real-estate jargon and lease agreements! An easier move means quicker settling in at work – impressing that boss of yours even faster!

Cost of Living Adjustment: It’s Not Just the Benjamins! 

Relocating means adapting to a different economic climate – moving is more than packing your bags and finding your new home! Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA). Cost of living differences vary significantly across cities. As part of your negotiations, ensure you bring up COLA as soon as possible. Pay Adjustment takes into account any differences in living costs between your old and new location. Yes, it’s as essential as it sounds! Your new salary must allow you to sustain the same lifestyle without cutting corners or forgoing your favorite avocado toast. Nobody wants to move to an exciting city just so they can pinch pennies! When negotiating your relocation deal, remember that COLA isn’t just refreshing beverage – it is your ticket to living comfortably in your new city!

Miscellaneous Expenses: Consider All the Drops

It is also important to factor in miscellaneous expenses like driver’s license fees, car registration costs and utility set up costs into your budget when considering other expenses such as driver’s license fees, registration of cars or utilities setup fees etc. These additional expenses can quickly add up and drain your savings plan, so be sure to address them during negotiations.

Relocating for work can be a major milestone, involving not just packing up your belongings but also adapting to a whole new environment. While it can be easy to be carried away by the thrill of starting something new and experiencing something different, it is crucial that a relocation package that fully supports you be negotiated – not because you are being greedy but in order to ensure a smooth transition and ensure an ideal experience! So take control and negotiate like the boss that you are!

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