Four Tips To Help You Be A Better Leader

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You could be envious of those people who always appear to be well-prepared for everything life throws at them. You may question if and when things will appear so straightforward and easy. Read on for the strategies that successful leaders have utilized to keep on track and ready for whatever the future may bring.


To begin, understand that “doing it all” is rarely a goal of the truly organized. Setting priorities is a must if you want to get things done. It’s useful because it makes you pause and consider not only the duties at hand, but also what’s most pressing. Asking your manager for input can not only help you get your priorities straight, but it will also show that you’re serious about your work and willing to get things done. It could be that you need to get in touch with the jeans manufacturing company to preorder the next season’s lines or you need to set some time to one side to recruit a new team. Whatever it is make sure you prioritize your tasks. 


The next step is to formulate a plan for carrying it out. Think about how long you think each work will take, how much help you’ll need from others, and when you think you can realistically hand in a final project.

If the plan won’t finish in time because of factors unique to your company, you should start thinking about how to adjust it. Is it possible to first narrow or scale back the scope? What after-hours work is possible? When do you feel most capable of getting the most done? Which ones can you get a head start on and then put on hold while you wait for a response? Is there anyone else who might be able to help with this? Start with a high-level overview, and then have your leadership help you figure out how to get everything done on time.

Get Help

One strategy employed by the well-organized is to reach out for assistance. Asking for help may go against the grain of appearing to “have it all together,” but ultimately results in a better-finished product. Inquire for aid in setting priorities, making plans, and carrying them out. The trick is in how you ask for assistance; it’s much better to come prepared with information, ideas, and a recommended plan than to just dump your tangled mess on someone else. Help is available, but only with the nitty-gritty details; bring ideas, not simply issues, and don’t expect others to come up with solutions.


Finally, one of the finest ways to seem organized is to communicate proactively. How far along are you currently? How far along have you gotten? What responsibilities are falling behind? Is there a chance you won’t make it in time? Respond to these potential leadership inquiries with clarity and deference. Inform them of the status of the project, whether you are ahead or behind time, and if they can contribute anything to the effort. Proactive and constant communication is your best strategy, even if you don’t have the news they’re looking for; it makes you look organised and on the ball no matter the circumstances.

These four tips will help you to become a good leader. Do you have nay others that should be included? Please add them to the comments below. 

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