One Last Shot At Influence

I met with a group of student leaders last week. The group was mostly made up of Class Council members who were coming to the end of their leadership positions. At this point in the academic year, schools are working through the election and selection process of student leaders for next year. That put all of these students in a …

He Is Risen! Happy Easter!

Frederick Beuchner is one of my favorite authors. In a personal reflection on the effects of Holy Week that culminate in the glory of Easter, he writes… “Darkness symbolizes that out of which faith can arise, that which faith must somehow confront. The great opponents, if you want, of darkness and light are brought together within a space of less …

When An Apology Is Not Enough

Early on in my work as a youth pastor, I would do quite a bit of counseling with young people and the adults who served on my staff. Over time, I learned that I’m not a very good counselor. I warned people that I wouldn’t go to me for counseling! But there are some simple things that people can do …

Movie About Babies…Called “Babies”

Everybody loves… BABIES. Coming to theatres this Mother’s Day Weekend (May 7th), this visually stunning new movie simultaneously follows four babies around the world – from first breath to first steps. From Mongolia to Namibia to San Francisco to Tokyo, BABIES joyfully captures on film the earliest stages of the journey of humanity that are at once unique and universal …

New Twitter Background

Since I like to play around in the area of graphic design I’m always tweaking things. For instance, today I created a new background for my Twitter page. I wanted something simple that used the picture that I put over on the sidebar of this site. I took a screenshot of my April Fool’s Day tweet. Don’t you think it …

What To Do Today

Most of the time, when I lay my head on the pillow at night I am tired. But before I nod off to sleep, I will have this sense of satisfaction or dissatisfaction with what was accomplished throughout the course of the day. I know if I was productive or unproductive – if I did the things that mattered or …

Tajfel Saved My Team

Today I will be teaching a class entitled, How To Lead A SuperCamp. I’ve had a lot of experience in leading and directing youth camps and will be sharing some of what I know with students at our University. One of the really fun elements of this class will be talking about Minimal Group Theory (MGT). This theory was developed …

Are You Paralyzed?

I just started with a new cohort in a course I teach on postmodernity. One of the first books I have them read is Postmodern Pilgrims by Leonard Sweet. Sweet takes the reader through the powerful effects of his culturally relevant E-P-I-C model: Experiential Participatory Image-Driven Connected In the book’s Introduction, Sweet shares a great story…