Moving In The Same Direction

I’m wondering if success or winning or victory (pick your favorite word) is better defined by direction then it is by destination. Sometimes we measure our achievements like reaching a spot on a map. But I’m finding that there is a greater satisfaction by the rigor of heading in a certain direction – a direction toward progress. Simply said, growth …

You Can’t Control The Weather

Last night, our student leadership team was hosting our annual Rootbeer Fest. It’s one of our biggest events of the year and kicks off Week One events. Our students pulled out all of the stops this year and rented a giant screen and 7000 lumen projector from the City of Meridian. They bought a powerful FM transmitter and transformed the …

Leadership Marks

Every student leader has the opportunity to leave a mark on their campus and community. The question is, what kind of mark are you going to leave? The following 5 minute seminar addresses some of the marks a “good” leader will leave. Using the symbols we encounter everyday on our computers and keyboards, I tie them to key leadership attributes. …

Spewing or Doing

We just completed our student leadership retreat – we call it LEAD. This year we did something a bit different in our training. Each of us who spoke were given FIVE minutes and TWENTY slides. We got the idea from an event that takes place here in Boise (called Ignite Boise). So we spoke on a specific topic for 5 …

Best Movie Of The Summer

And the winner is…Inception! All I could say when I walked out of the movie theater at the end of this film was three words: What A Ride! Inception is an action packed film starring Leonardo DiCaprio. Armed with the ability to enter into the dreams of others, the characters maneuver to retract information from people who simply assume they’re …

The Smartest Person In The Room

…doesn’t have to be the leader. Now I don’t mean to say that the leader doesn’t need intelligence, or common sense, or some type of intellectual capacity. What I do mean to say is the leader doesn’t have to know more than everyone else. In fact, I also think the leader doesn’t always have to know HOW to do things …

5x5s – Five Minute Training Worksheet

Five by Fives (5x5s) Five Things To Think About For Five Minutes Note: This is a reposting of a resource I originally wrote for Running Effective Meetings.  Brainstorming.  Fundraising.  Working With Advisors.  Handling Conflict.  Getting New Members For Your Organization.  Publicity.  Leading.  Follow-Up. How do you effectively train for these things in short, bite-sized amounts of time?  How can …