
I am going to make up a new word. At least I think it’s a new word. Screenspective. Screenspective is perspective shaped through screens. It’s a view of the world formed by the various screens one looks at. Let’s take a quick poll. How many of you are reading this on some type of screen? Unanimous! I use a screen …

What’s On The Test?

Had a conversation with my son last night about studying for a test. He was a bit discouraged because it appeared that the test he took didn’t have anything to do with the material covered in class. His question to me… How can you study for a test when you don’t know what’s going to be on the test? Great …

Four Leadership Lessons From Bruce Bochy

What? You don’t know who Bruce Bochy is? He’s the manager of the San Francisco Giants. You know, that team from the National League that’s headed to the World Series this year. What you also may not know is that there weren’t very many people who thought the Giants would make it this far into the postseason. It was pretty …

Way To Go Giants!

I have been a fan of the San Francisco Giants for many, many years. The last time I celebrated like this was 2002. The SF Giants have never won a World Series. Of course, neither have the Texas Rangers. I’m pulling for the ragtag group from the Bay area to kick and claw their way to victory in this one.

A Better Kind Of Character

I want to come back to the leadership image I shared with you a couple of weeks ago. I firmly believe the best student leaders (or most any leader) will lead from the inside out. They will take the time to develop who they are on the inside more than the type of person they hope to portray on the …

Who Are You…Really?

This week I’m preparing for the monthly LeadershipLab I host on our campus. The focus of this month’s training is the discipline to lead yourself first. Leading yourself is a lot harder than leading others. I think it’s easier for us to look at someone else and identify what that person needs to do or be in order to grow …

My Top 3 Excuses

All this talk about productivity, calendaring, discipline, and consistency on a daily basis. You people reading this blog might start to get the wrong idea. I’m not as good as the posts I’ve been writing this week. While I will admit that I am pretty proud of the fact that I stuck with, worked hard, and completed P90X…I had my …

Water: Blog Action Day 2010

Today is Blog Action Day. Today, more than 5000 bloggers from 130 countries are coming together for a single day of blogging about a single topic: water. The subject of clean water is a critical need on our planet. Blog Action Day 2010: Water from Blog Action Day on Vimeo. Here’s some startling statistics: Unsafe drinking water and lack of …