10 Suggestions To Save Your Speech

It’s difficult to get people’s attention. It’s even harder to keep people’s attention. Making a speech is part communication, part theater. That’s right, you’re an actor/actress on a stage. You finally get your chance to make your presentation, your talk, your big speech. Now that you have their attention, you must now spend your precious time entertaining, as well as …

10 Strategies To Grow In Your Influence With Others

Welcome to Top 10 Week. Each day, I’ll be publishing an article that includes a Top 10 list of ideas, tips, or strategies (like today) that will help you be a better leader. Everyone loves a good Top 10 list. I’m going to offer you some of mine and let you decide if they’re good. One of the top skills …

Making The Most Of My Drive Time

I have a 35-40 minute commute from home to work each day. That adds up to over an hour in the car with each round trip  (I just did the math in my head). Now let me say right up front that the priority of my drive time is driving. There’s too many distractions that keep people from concentrating on …

5 Ways To Love Your Blogger

If you’ve ever thought of starting your own blog, here’s an amazing stat to consider: There are over 27 million WordPress publishers as of September 2010: 13.9 million blogs hosted on WordPress.com plus 13.8 million active installations of the WordPress.org software. Did you notice the stat is only for WordPress blogs (I publish this site through WordPress with the Standard …

It Doesn’t Have To Be Lonely At The Top

I’ve been writing quite a bit on the importance of leading yourself first. I believe it’s important – even foundational – as a prerequisite to  the effort and energy we use trying to lead others. But it’s not all about “me.” In fact, the motivation to lead yourself first finds its greatest meaning and significance when its about serving others. …

How Should I Respond?

When I was in the third grade, the popular way (and most direct way) to ask a girl if she liked you was to write her a note expressing your affection and at the bottom give her three options to check her answer (Yes!, no, and my personal favorite…maybe). Then you’d give the note to your friend, who gave it …

You’re Contagious

With the weather changing, we’re entering into the flu season. People stay away from other people who have the flu because they don’t want to get it. Contagious is a condition that passes on to me what you already have. The truth is we pass on things to other people everyday. Disease isn’t just physical. A bad attitude is contagious. …

The Indescribable Impact Of The Index Card

I’m in the process of writing a book on developing student leaders. While that really sounds cool and admirable – I quickly realized that one doesn’t just sit down and write a book (at least this someone – me! – doesn’t do it that way). I have a wide range of thoughts, quotes, and ideas that I need to organize. …