Book Review: Purpose-Centered Public Speaking

I think everyone, even the most polished and practiced of public speakers, gets a little nervous before stepping up to speak in front of a group of people. Overcoming the fear and trepidation that is associated with public speaking can be hard work. But I’ve recently come across a goldmine of wisdom and helpful direction that can bolster the skills …

Clips (for iPhone) Released Today

                    Have you ever needed to find just the right movie clip for that youth talk or message you’re preparing? Have you ever thought of a clip you would like to use but can’t remember where in the movie that scene was located? Have you ever wanted this kind of information …


I have a short attention span. So do the students I work with. When I have a choice between “long and profound” and “short and powerful”…I choose the latter. This is why I am placing my latest resource into the hands of every one of my student leaders this year. Tweedership – Learning Leadership In 140 Characters Or Less I …

The Right Kind Of Leadership Currency

I believe every leader, or person aspiring to be a leader, has a certain amount of leadership currency. Some leaders actually think their leadership currency is real currency (money). They’re wrong. You can’t buy respect, confidence, and reputation (at least not the kind that lasts) with money. But you can earn these things using the right kind of leadership currency. …

Asking For Help Doesn’t Mean You’re Helpless (EBOOK)

Don’t be afraid to ask for help if you need it. This is one of the first things I try to embed into the thinking of new student leaders. Think about it…How many times have you been in a crisis, a failure, a missed opportunity because someone failed to simply ask for assistance? I wrote a series of posts a …

13 Ways I Get In My Own Way

I’ve noticed a trend lately. You, the beloved readers of this site, tend to respond more positively to the posts that highlight my weaknesses. Thanks for the encouragement…I think. With that in mind, I thought I’d once again dig down deep into the archives of my personal experience. I want to share some of the ways (there’s probably a lot …

When Doing Is Derailed By Distractions

What are you doing? Not right now. I know what you’re doing right now. The reason I ask is because I was reminded again today about all of the things I do that keep me from doing what needs to be done. I organize. I surf the web. I tweet and retweet. I check Facebook. I look at my email. …

Only Boring People Are Bored

Has anyone ever said this to you? “Only boring people are bored.” This is one of those classic pieces of parental wisdom that I received from time to time growing up. It usually came on the heels of me pacing around the house, staring into the refrigerator countless times, and exhaling a deep sigh with the words: “I’m bored.” The …