7 Habits Of Highly Influential Students On Your Campus

I’m always keeping my eye open for potential student leaders on our campus. I find that most students can do the tasks associated with various positions (they’re smart people), but anticipating their leadership abilities can be trickier.

I tend to look for students who have already developed some level of influence with their peers.

With that in mind, here are seven “influence indicators” you can use to identify your potential student leaders.

1. People gravitate toward them.

2. People listen to and follow their opinions or advice.

3. They have a track record for getting things done.

4. They have a rapport with different student groups.

5. They tend to have a clear idea of where they’re headed (know what they want to accomplish).

6. They are typically ordinary people who find a way to produce extraordinary results.

7. They always lift up others more than themselves (sense of humility).

When it comes to influence, what other characteristics or experience would you look for?

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