Ran Out Of Time

I once heard a coach, who was very optimistic about his player’s abilities, respond to a loss by saying,

“We didn’t lose the game, we just ran out of time.”

Unfortunately, no matter how you view the game coach, you lost.

Last night I was watching the 49ers play the Saints on Monday Night Football. I am a diehard 49ers fan. That’s a great thing to say if the calendar currently reads 1998. Not so great in 2010.

Last night’s game was actually pretty good. Even though the 49ers turned the ball over 4 times, they were in a position to win the game right up until the end (hats off to their defense – Patrick Willis is ahh-maaz-zeeng!). But there was one thing that kept tripping them up, and it haunted them even more in the first week against Seahawks – clock management.

Sometimes, student leaders will be involved in planning an event or activity. When we get close to the actual event, I’ll hear them say, “I wish I had a little more time.” At that point, that’s the wrong wish. The goal in leadership is not to wish for more time but to make the most of the time that you’re given. Just like football, it comes down to clock management.

I recently posted a tweet that simply said, “Crisis comes to those who can’t control their character or their calendar.” Leaders need to work on the skill of clock management, starting with themselves and then assisting those who work with them.

On my drive into work this morning, I recorded some of my thoughts and observations in regards to this topic. It’s five minutes long.
Clock Management

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