Leadership Resources I Subscribe To

My students will often ask me to recommend a leadership book to them. I’ll give you my top three…

The Leadership Challenge by Kousez & Posner

Measure Of A Leader by Daniels & Daniels

The 21 Irrefutable Laws Of Leadership by Maxwell

Sometimes I’m able to loan them one of mine. But I always encourage them to buy their own copy so they can mark it up, live with it, and refer back to it. I encourage them to make a financial investment in their leadership because it will pay off in so many other areas.

But there are great resources out there available on the internet. Here are some of my top recommendations for leadership inspiration that I subscribe to or check on a regular basis.

  1. Leadership Wired
    This is a monthly e-newsletter by John Maxwell. It always has great articles and quotes. John Maxwell writes in an easy to read and easy to apply style. I’ve been a subscriber of Maxwell resources for over 20 years.
  2. Leading Effectively
    Produced by the Center for Creative Leadership, this e-newsletter is chocked full of well-researched information around the topic of leadership. CCL also produces a wide range of excellent leadership books and papers.
  3. SmartBrief on Leadership
    This is a daily email that arrives in my inbox. SmartBrief offers me the latest articles from around the internet on the topic of leadership. It’s amazing how relevant and current the topics are. I have only subscribed to this e-newsletter for a few months and I love it!
  4. Leadership Digital
    This is a fantastic one-stop-shop for the latest in leadership articles, blog posts, and leadership news. It offers a great selection of inspiration and prescriptive posts. They even include an occasional post from my site. You need to visit the site because I’m not aware of a subscription service for it yet.
  5. Blogs
    There are literally thousands of blogs that you can subscribe to (like this one!). I hesitate to list them here because I don’t want to create some type of Top 10 list with blog subscriptions (there’s a lot of people who do that and I will let them continue to do it). What I would offer you is this: If there’s a leadership blog out there that you read consistently and recommend, leave us the name and link in the comments. That will make this post all the more valuable because of your contribution.

I know there are so many more resources out there that you can subscribe to. I hope that this short list can get you started if you’re just starting out in developing your leadership abilities.

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