Budget Cuts Don’t Effect Everything

The most overused phrase of the last two years: “In these economic tough times…” It’s become the preamble to almost every statement that carries bad news. If the economy ain’t good, ain’t nothing else good.

You get word from the top that your operational budget needs to be cut. Conservative spending is the new norm. Layoffs are the nagging fear. And we wonder how we’re going to be as effective or efficient.

So if we can’t spend money, what can we spend?

We can pay attention.
We can invest in kindness.
We can put our money on the value of people.
We can create a stipend of sensational service.
We can provide an honorarium of helpfulness.
We can put up a bounty on believing in others.
We can compensate with values like courage, character, and compassion.
We can profit from positive attitudes.
We can spend our time on tenacious thoughtfulness.

Less cash is never an excuse for less effort.

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