As I was driving into work today, I turned off the radio and just drove in silence. But it wasn’t quiet. In the stillness of the cab of my truck, I could hear the voices. Not the crazy voices. The ones that form the the messages that flow out of my thoughts. They all masquerade behind the sound of my …
The Power of WE
Love the message in this video. This is the kind of campaign I can get behind wholeheartedly. For more information about G5 Leadership and other resources that supplement this campaign, visit this page.
Ten Pills That Are Tough To Swallow
I remember when I was little. I had the toughest time swallowing pills. I would put them in my mouth, drink some water, throw my head back, swallow the water…and the pills were still in my mouth. While the whole “tough pill to swallow” thing is a bit cliche’, we can’t deny certain realities – even when we want to …
The 3 Motives Of A Leader People Want To Follow
We are in the process of electing/selecting our group of student leaders for next year. We call them “student leaders” because they will fill the various leadership roles we have identified on our campus. These include positions in student government, resident assistants, peer mentors, etc. Each of these roles have some authority (with a lot of responsibility) built into them. …
Book Review: The Power Of Starting Something Stupid
If you were to drop by my office right now, you would see stacks of books that have been given to me for review purposes. It’s become apparent that if you have a fairly successful blog and have written your own books, people are happy to share their work with you. It’s the new marketing machine of publishing. I will …
Develop Your Self-Leadership M.A.R.K.E.R.s
When I’m standing in front of a room full of people and talk about the importance of leading yourself well, everyone typically nods their heads. They nod for a couple of reasons: 1. They know they need to lead themselves well. 2. They know someone who hasn’t led him or herself well. Affirmative nods are one thing. Affirmative action (not the kind you’re thinking …
Five Ways To Turn Your Crisis Into A Comeback
A Note To My Readers: You may have noticed I took a six month hiatus from blogging on my site. The biggest reason is mentioned in this post. If you’re one of my subscribers and committed readers, I’m grateful for your attention. I will begin to add more content to the site in the days and weeks ahead. I love …
Six Ways To Get Better Marketing Results
Photo Credit If there is one thing that all businesses are striving towards, it is to improve their marketing campaign. Nowadays, the way you market your business can make or break you. You may have an incredible product or a standout service, but if no one knows about it or connects with your brand, what’s the point? With that being …