Some might consider me an “early adopter.”
While most people are considering whether they should even invest their time and money in the latest gadget or social media experiment, I’m trying to figure out when the next upgrade is available.
Yet I’ve been hesitant when it comes to developing my “own, personal” website. It feels a little bit like I’m the kid in the corner with low self-esteem craving for the least little bit of attention. But while it feels like that…it’s not why I’m doing this.
I guess you might say that I am engaged in a lot of conversations and relationships across a wide spectrum of topics. I’m a student of leadership and currently work with student leaders. I started a blog on student leadership called studentlinc. I speak on a regular basis to churches, youth groups, and student organizations. I do random design work on the side and started a company called timagedesign (tim + image + design =). I tweet and I facebook. I dabble in linkedin. Ultimately, I needed to create a hub – a ground zero for my various online pursuits. So I created this…all of that stuff under the umbrella of me (sounds so narcissistic).
So thanks for checking this project out…and welcome!
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