Ready to make the decision?

What could you accomplish if you did something really productive for 90 days in a row?
• Become the author you always hoped to be

• Finally get healthy and in better shape

• Deepen your most important relationships

• Read more books than you have in the last three years

• Organize the clutter in your life
Self-Discipline is the key to accomplishing your 90 Day Decision

In 90 Day Decision, you'll learn the five key components to keeping the promises you make to yourself. Self-discipline isn't easy but it is possible. You have everything within you to accomplish your goals – taking one small, consistent step each day. If you're good at starting but struggle with finishing, this book is for you. It contains a framework and worksheets to guide you through your 90 Day Decision.
Developing discipline in one area of your life creates momentum and encourages discipline in other areas as well.
Tim Milburn