Five Perspectives To Evaluate Your Experiences: #5-Recruit

If you whittle down your definition of leadership to its most basic function, it’s about people. I recently posted this on Twitter: Leadership is all about how people react to what we say and do. When you take the time to reflect and evaluate your experiences, there will be certain tasks that you will want to repeat (redo) and tasks …

Five Perspectives To Evaluate Your Experiences: #4-Revise

Most every professional athlete who reaches the top of his or her respective sport will tell you that it took a lot of hard work and practice to get there. Malcom Gladwell calls this the “10,000 hour” rule in his book, Outliers. It’s a process of focusing on a very few things and honing them to the point that the …

Five Perspectives To Evaluate Your Experiences: #3-Reward

Our lives are filled with rituals. There are things that we do on a daily basis that take on a ritualistic feel – the way we care for ourselves, the meals we eat, the daily commutes we make, etc. Evaluating one’s experiences can be a type of ritual, a traditional exercise that marks the conclusion of an experience. For me …

Five Perspectives To Evaluate Your Experiences: #2-Revoke

One of the most helpful pieces of productivity advice I’ve ever received was the suggestion to create a To Don’t list. This would be a list of all of the tasks and daily rituals that I should stop doing. It’s a simple message that moves one toward a simpler life. I feel like I live in a world where I …

Five Perspectives To Evaluate Your Experiences: #1-Redo

I am always a bit amazed at some of the very wise things that Abraham Lincoln said. One of his quotes that you can spend an afternoon thinking and reflecting on deals with the importance of evaluation, in this case, self-evaluation: “I don’t know who my grandfather was; I’m much more concerned to know what his grandson will be.” -Abraham …

Download: Experience Evaluation Form

Following up from my last post on Evaluation Exercises, I have completed the Experience Evaluation Form. This is a full-color, downloadable PDF document. The first page contains the overview of each of the five evaluation perspectives: redo, revoke, reward, revise, and recruit. This tool is especially helpful for evaluating an event or activity that required the help of others. For …

Evaluation Exercises

There’s a lot of snow on the ground today. I’ve included a pic I took with my iPhone using the Hipstamatic app. While this post isn’t about that app…I highly recommend it! The snow shows us that we have clearly made the transition from Fall to Winter. Sometimes the change from one season to another isn’t as pronounced. The next …

Reflecting On Your Experience

Have you ever heard the phrase: “Experience is the best teacher“? According to, the history of the phrase can be traced all the way back to Julius Caesar: EXPERIENCE IS THE BEST TEACHER – “The great Roman leader Julius Caesar recorded the earliest known version of this proverb, ‘Experience is the teacher of all things,’ in ‘De Bello Civili’ …