Book Review: Acting Up Brings Everyone Down

I first heard of Nick McCormick when he sent me a copy of his first book, Lead Well and Prosper. It was a fairly quick read (short chapters with great summary statements at the end) chocked full of helpful leadership advice. So you might have guessed I was (very) pleasantly surprised to know that Nick had written another book. He …

Book Review: Generation iY

Alright, for those of you who don’t have a lot of time, I’ve got the short and sweet review: On the cover of the book, Generation iY, there’s a quote from Mark Bauerlein that calls this book “a must-read guide for parents, mentors, and teachers…” I wholeheartedly agree. So much so that I’m encouraging my boss to buy 30 copies …

Are You Paralyzed?

I just started with a new cohort in a course I teach on postmodernity. One of the first books I have them read is Postmodern Pilgrims by Leonard Sweet. Sweet takes the reader through the powerful effects of his culturally relevant E-P-I-C model: Experiential Participatory Image-Driven Connected In the book’s Introduction, Sweet shares a great story…